狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!獨家!! 大量單字原文閱讀 +同義字片語歸納 (包含學測和指考考題精華) + 獨創即席口譯課 + 中翻英 + 周周必寫英文作文 essay+ 主題式情境口說 +字根字首字尾 (七合一課程!!) ~

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 唯有語言盒子才有即席口譯訓練課程喔! 專門訓練學生即席口譯+筆譯~強化大腦對英文的語感~讓口譯和寫作翻譯~讓英文就像呼吸一樣自然!!

 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  狂賀!再一次2017年大學學測和指考高分~



狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  狂賀!再一次2016年大學學測和指考高分~


狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 狂賀!!2015年度大學滿級分!!

本班學生 曾千育(北一女三年良班)~大學學測英文科滿級分!! 錄取陽明醫學院~台大資工系!!

本學生 曾芊畫(台大物理系)~全民英檢中高級閱讀112分!!

 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 狂賀!! 語言盒子 學生 蕭庭穎(永春高中209)超級高分通過~全民英檢中級!!(有圖為證)~蕭庭潁從小ˇ學就在語言盒子打下紮實基礎~歷經升高中基測英文科滿分~超級高分通過全民英檢中級!!(歡迎查證!!)


 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!狂賀!! 語言盒子 學生 羅元宏(師大附中1391班)超級高分通過~全民英檢中級!!(有成績單為證)~

~歷經升高中會考A++(原始分數100分)~超高分通過全民英檢中級!! 再再證明語言盒子教劉心諦老師教學大大成功!


 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 語言盒子~  多益940分榮獲金色證書~超高分成績單!






狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!狂賀!!語言盒子學生吳姁晁(台大財金系一)~通過國立台灣大學高階英文認證(大學四年高階英文免修)/ 學號 B037XXX68 吳姁晁從小一就在語言盒子啟蒙紮根~升高中基測滿分~北一女高二時通過全民英檢中高級~2014年大學指考93分~大學學測滿級分~全民英檢中高級通過~(歡迎查證!!)~語言盒子10餘年來教學成效品質保證!! ---語言盒子寶寶一路都在語言盒子---小四起陸續參加語言盒子遊學團---至今2015年7/26美西遊學團即將成行喔~狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  








英檢成績簡怡安  狂賀!本班學生尤壬誼(大安國中一年七班)通過全民英檢中級和中高級~尤壬誼同學國小一年級在語言盒子從基礎班開始打下紮實的英文基礎~



狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!狂賀!本班學生吳昫晁(北一女中二年讓班)在小二時進入語言盒子從基礎班開始打下紮實基礎~再興中學全校第二名畢業~北一女中英文月考每次皆介在98~90分~高一上時通過全民英檢中級~高二上通過全民英檢中高級!! 2014年大學學測滿級分+大學指考93分金榜台大財金系

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!本班高中英文班 吳佳怡  北一女中(一年勤班)~通過全民英檢中級和中高級~從ABC拼音KK基礎班就是在語言盒子開始打下扎實的基礎~ 


 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 狂賀~ 本班高中英文班(全民英檢中高級班)~大學學測滿級分~台大藥學系榜首~黃昱嘉北一女中(三年溫班數理資優班)高一時通過全民英檢中級~高二時通過全民英檢中高級~全班第二名~ 延平中學全校第一名台北市市長獎畢業(黃昱嘉同學從小在語言盒子開啟英文的啟蒙~ 直到基測以408分考上北一女(基測滿分為412)


狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!廖峻賦(和平高中3年11班)(翻譯滿分) 小學二年級從語言盒子開始啟蒙~ 歷經升高中基測滿分 至大學學測滿級分~



 捷報!!  2015年學測

狂賀~本班高中英文班(全民英檢中高級班) 曾千育(北一女三年良班數理資優班)~大學學測英文科滿級分~原始分數95分 英文作文大滿貫!! 曾千育同學從中班起就在語言盒子啟蒙~ 一路經過升高基測到大學學測並且通過全民英檢中高級!! 一切屬實歡迎查證!!

 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  狂賀!!  語言盒子福和總校~2014年 大學學測全民英檢高中英文班~共6位高三畢業生~


狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 黃昱嘉~台大藥學系榜首~北一女中(三年溫班數理資優班)-通過全民英檢中高級 

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!吳姁晁 北一女中(三年讓班)通過全民英檢中高級~錄取台大財金系(英文科指考93分)

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 吳佳怡北一女中(三年勤班)通過全民英檢中高級~錄取台大資管 大學學測滿級分

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 廖峻賦(和平高中3年11班)(翻譯滿分)通過全民英檢中高級~錄取台大外文/政大企管/師大企管/台北經濟

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 曾才育(景美三年~通過全民英檢中級~錄取中央資工系 成大心理系

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 狂賀!!2014年大學指考曾才育同學(景美三年忠班)英文科--87分!! 

狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 狂賀!!王思涵(中山女高三年班)~通過全民英檢中級~大學學測頂標~保送中興農藝系



本班學子在國外英語一樣靈光喔~請見本班學生國外旅遊接受國外記者訪問~youtube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3maiwUZtUuI

本班學生尤壬誼(原北市大安國中807)- 尤淇(原建安國小501)留學美國~測試聽說讀寫全部滿分--
見圖歡迎查證(完全不需上ESL加強學校~直接進入美國中學就讀高階班文程度評鑑為:Fluent English Proficient = 流利英文精通者)
學生尤壬誼考完英語測試之後主考官大聲驚呼~她當了測試官二十幾年來從未看過這個年紀的移民學生有如此高的程度的~太厲害了! 紛紛詢問他的父母他們兄妹的英文怎麼會這麼優異?
照片 029    
照片 030  
2015中級榜單 (1)  
2015中級榜單 (2)  
 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  2015年 高中英文作文比賽特優作品!!
 狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分!  語言盒子學生 尤均 榮獲美國小學鑑識為 英語為母語者證書!!
狂賀!2017/2016/2015/2014年度大學滿級分! 語言盒子學生 尤淇 榮獲美國歐巴馬總統獎 及美國白宮獎!! 台灣人的驕傲!!
佳文共賞 My Dreams (台北市英文作文比賽第一名)
幸安國小六年一班 尤壬誼
My lifetime dream is to become a successful basketball player in the NBA, like Jeremy Lin. I have always loved basketball because I enjoy the great feeling of jumping in the air, getting rebounds, scoring, and getting past people with awesome dribbling skills. For me, being an NBA star will earn me not only a lot of money, but also fame and respect. Most i
mportant of all, more people will notice Taiwan because of me.

To make my dream come true, I first need to grow as tall as possible. I eat healthy food, take vitamins and exercise regularly to help me grow taller and stronger. I also have to master every area of basketball, including shooting, dribbling, and rebounding. Therefore, I do an hour's basketball practice every day. In addition to individual skill, I am well aware that teamwork is even more important . I am confident that by doing these things and never giving up I will be able to compete with other players in the NBA and attain my goal of becoming an NBA shining star one day.

Another dream of mine is to become a big movie star. Then I will lead a fantastic life that will be very different from the lives of normal people. It will be so amazing that each day will be like a new adventure. I will shoot movies in many different places around the world, and it will give me a wonderful opportunity to experience different cultures. It will also be fun for my family and friends to see myself acting in a movie on the big screen. I have always dreamt of it! Besides working in the movies, I will create my own clothing and sneakers brand. Then I will be more wealthy and famous. In addition to seeking fame and wealth , I will use the money from the sales of my own products to help the needy people in Taiwan and other countries. Oh, how awesome my life will be if I am a movie star one day!

My third dream is to be a professional clown and own a circus. I have a good sense of humor and I have always wanted to learn how to do those crazy stunts and magic tricks. I really enjoy making people laugh and amazing them. I practice my stunts and jokes over and over again, and I hope someday I will be skillful enough to perform in front of the audience. For me, being a clown will not only enable me to bring smiles to sad faces, but also bring more happiness and laughter to the world. I will travel with my circus and run my show in different places around the world. It will be interesting indeed if I am a clown in the future!
(1)   Today, school was pretty fun.The new home-economics teacher taught us today,she played fun games with us and also asked for recommendations of what profects we want to do.Anyway,she is vivacious and humorous teacher.After school,we played basketball.But some jerks in the opposite team kept chatting and fooling around.It was driving me crazy and also wasting our precious B-ball time.
 (2)  Yesterday,I played basketball during P.E. and after school.School's been great and the textbooks are far more interesting than the ones last semester.The new teachers are nicer,so we have less assignments and I have more time to study instead of going over the exercises over and over again.It seems that things are finally going my way.Thanks Jesus.
(3)   Yesterday,the amount of our homework increased largely,so I had to finish some of it at school.After school,I teamed up with two seniors from ninth grade,the boy has awesome skills.As for the girl,she shocked the heck out of us by scoring about 7 three-pointers in a row. Holy crap!

(4)   Today, we went to an art exhibit of The Affiliated Senior High School of NTNU(師大附中) .The art exhibition was pretty ...cool. The pictures were drawn enormously on the wall and ground, they looked so realistic that they looked like 3D images coming out from the wall and floor. But afterwards it got really boring and I was anxious to leave the exhibit.It was an amazing experience for me. The exhibition widened my horizons ,and I sustantially benefited from it !

I hope that in this year of 2013 to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something...Make mistakes nobody has ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing. Do it! 
語言盒子 建安國小五年一班   學生尤淇  (台北留學展英文作文冠軍--獲得獎學金免費加拿大遊學三周) 
照片 028  
    Making decisions isn't always easy. We make good or bad choices. That's why the D.A.R.E program will help us learn how to make good choices. When you make decisions, remember to define, access, respond, and evaluate. The main topic in this decision making program is how to refuse to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco when your friends or family offer you. Take me for example. I read, take exercise and take a nap whenever I need to relieve my stress. Never drink alcohol or smoke to relieve your stress.
    It may be tempting to try alcohol and cigarettes for some people; however, alcohol and cigarettes have lots of drawbacks, too. For example, due to the fact that many teenagers drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes behind their parents' backs, they may neglect their schoolwork and sneak out with friends to drink and smoke. Even worse, they become addicted to drinking alcohol and smoking. They would rather hangout with friends than interact with nice and healthy people or exercise for the sake of drinking alcohol and smoking. More importantly, alcohol and tobacco will do harm to your health. Alcohol will damage your brain and cause slow reflexes. A number of car accidents are caused by drunk driving. Tobacco will give you lung cancer, which leads to an early death if not cured soon. Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes/tobacco have a negative impact on our health, interpersonal relationships, and our studies.
If we take these reasons into consideration, you will find that drinking alcohol and smoking will bring us nothing but trouble. Being Drug-free helps me to achieve many goals. Without anything bothering my health, I can do well in school and sports, and that's how I achieve my goals.
  All in all, if you want to avoid these problems which were mentioned above, here is some useful advice. First, always be aware of the bad consequences of drinking and smoking. Secondly, remember to say no confidently to whoever offers you to drink alcohol or smoke because you have to be healthy to achieve your goals. Although people who drink alcohol and smoke may be all around us, there is more to life than drinking alcohol and smoking in our lives. Once you've known all these reasons mentioned and follow the suggestions, you can live a happy and healthy life.

Eugene Yu #29 Blanco

                                           The Best Basketball Game I Ever Had

       Last year, after nine intense basketball matches, my team,  the Vipers, eventually made it to the championship game. The night before the finals, I was very excited and nervous because I didn’t know if we were going to lose or win. I tossed and turned on my bed that night and didn’t sleep well.

The next morning, in the last period of the championship game, I was a nervous wreck because I thought our team was going to lose. The score was 45 to 47. We were two points behind the rival team. My heart was thumping madly in my chest, “Ba bum ba bum ba bum.”“Go, Vipers go!” The Miami Basketball Stadium was full of people. Everyone was shouting and cheering like crazy. The time left on the clock was only twenty seconds.

Suddenly, my team captain, Logan, passed the ball to me. I caught the basketball and heard my teammates shouting, “Shoot!” I looked at the clock, three seconds, three seconds left! I could feel tons of eyes staring at me. I gritted my teeth and shot the ball, hoping to get the ball in the hoop.

As the ball left my hands and went flying in the air, the world spun slowly, no one made a sound. I could hear my thumping heart beating in my chest. “Swish!” went the ball. The referee yelled, “Three points!” right when the clock went off. The audience went wild. I realized that I just made a three-pointer, and won the game! “Eugene you are awesome!” yelled my teammates, “We won the championship game!” I suddenly felt like I was the hero of the game, and my teammates flocked me, congratulating my victory. I jumped with joy and felt the butterflies of nervousness fly out of my stomach and the bubbles of happiness go in their harnesses. I felt extremely glorious and over the moon!

Before the game, I practiced extremely hard every single day. Every so often, my feet were sore from blisters, and I felt like giving up. At those very moments, a insistent voice popped in my head Work hard, and never give up! Therefore, I kept trying, practiced every day and didn’t give up halfway. Above all, I learned a valuable lesson:The importance of perserverance cannot be overemphasized!



 劉心諦升大學高中英文班 +(全民英檢中級班/中高級多益班): 週(日)早上9:00~12:00~單字量至少7000個,保證不須另外補高中課內英文~班上許多高中生在校英文段考成績皆90分以上~歡迎查證(周周考的單字量可達一百多個以上~劉心諦老師獨創字根字首字尾教學法,傳授秘笈(超級有趣喔~)+歸納同義字和片語+統整必考高中三年文法句型+原文閱讀解析單字並指導做題技巧+高中升大學指考學測內容+中翻英+英文作文+英檢口說)內容涵蓋高一至高三英文~打破章節界線~直接做統整教學~全盤性觀念統整!! 每周必寫中翻英和英文作文~ 針對大學學測指考題型並輔導考全民英檢中級和中高級~全方位英文學習 /完全不須另外花錢花時間補英文作文~一舉數得喔~)






















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