東西"壞了"英語怎麼說? 故障只會說「It's broken」? 不同的東西「壞掉」,用的字也不一樣。
1. 「水管、馬桶堵塞不通」用:clog, clogged, clogged; clog up/with sth
- 1)馬桶壞了/不通。 The toilet is clogged.
- 2)水管不通。 The pipe is clogged.
- 3)管子裡積滿污垢。The pipe is clogged with dirt/grease.
2. 「水龍頭在滴水」用: drip, dripped, dripped; dripping
- 1)水龍頭在滴水。 The tap/faucet is dripping.
3. 「水管漏水」用: leak
- 1)水管在漏水。 The pipe is leaking.
- 2)水龍頭在漏水。 The tap/faucet is leaking.
- 3)這汽車在漏油。 The car is leaking oil.
4. 「燈泡壞了,電器、插座燒壞」用: burn out
- 1)燈泡/吹風機燒壞了。 The light bulb/hairdryer burned/burnt out.
- 2)燈泡不停閃爍用flicker: The light bulb is flickering.
5. 「電視機、冷氣機、洗衣機壞了,機器失靈、無法運作」
用: Sth is not working/doesn't work
- 1)電視機/冷氣機/洗衣機壞了。
- The TV/air conditioner(AC)/washing machine is not working/doesn't work.
6.「筆電、電腦當機」用: crash
- 1)我的筆電/電腦當機了。 My laptop/computer crashed.
- 2)電腦當機可別說成 broken,這樣別人會以為是電腦摔壞或破損!
7. 東西「磨損;耗盡;用壞」用: wear out, wear-wore-worn 東西使用久了都會有磨損、
壞掉的一天,英文可以用"be worn out"表達,意為"用壞的;不能再用的"。
- 1)我的鞋壞了,所以我需要買雙新的。
- I have worn out my shoes, so I need to buy a new pair.
- = My shoes are worn out, so I need to buy a new pair.
- 2)我的牙刷壞了,所以我把它丟掉了。
- I wore out my toothbrush, so I threw it away.
- = My toothbrush was worn out, so I threw it away.
8.「食物壞了」用: go bad/spoil ,或想明確表達食物「臭酸」了用turn sour 食物酸掉
- 1)這牛肉已經壞掉了。我們把它丟掉吧。
- The beef has gone bad/has spoilt(spoiled). Let's throw it away.
- 2)Tim忘了把牛奶放回冰箱裡所以它酸掉了。
- The milk turned sour because Tim forgot to put it back in the fridge.